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Ms. Cindy Moore » Social Studies Targets

Social Studies Targets


Social Studies Grade 5

Standard - Application of Social Studies Processes, Knowledge, and Skills.

Performance Indicator

Develop and answer questions related to social studies, by locating and selecting information and presenting findings.

Grade 5 Targets

I can find a reliable source for information.

I can answer questions related to social studies and support my answer with evidence from the text

I can develop questions that require thinking beyond the text.

Social Studies Grade 5

Standard - Application of Social Studies Processes, Knowledge, and Skills.

Performance Indicator

Determine two or more main ideas of a social studies text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text.

Grade 5 Targets

I can determine a main idea of a text.

I can find details that support a main idea

I can summarize a text.

Social Studies Grade 5

Standard - Application of Social Studies Processes, Knowledge, and Skills.

Performance Indicator

Explain how an author uses evidence to support particular points in a text.

Grade 5 Targets

I can identify the evidence by quoting accurately.

I can explain what the text says explicitly.

I can explain inferences by citing from the text.

Social Studies Grade 5

Standard - Application of Social Studies Processes, Knowledge, and Skills.

Performance Indicator

Analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic in social studies, drawing on information from multiple print, non-print, and digital sources, noting important similarities and differences in the point of view they represent.

Grade 5 Targets

I can recognize that there are multiple accounts of the same event or topic in social studies.

I can compare and contrast differing points of view.

I can cite evidence to support each point of view of the same event.

Social Studies Grade 5

Standard - Application of Social Studies Processes, Knowledge, and Skills.

Performance Indicator

Develop and present informative/explanatory and opinion pieces on social studies topics both orally and in written form in which: The point of view is supported by logically ordered statements that include facts and relevant details; and the concluding statement or section is related to the information or opinion presented.

Grade 5 Targets

I can write logically ordered statements.

I can include facts and relevant details.

I can include a concluding statement or section that is related to the information or opinion presented.

I can present orally an informative/explanatory and opinion piece.

Social Studies Grade 5

Standard - Civic Engagement

Performance Indicator

Make and present a real or simulated decision related to the classroom, school, community, or civic organization by identifying needs and applying appropriate and relevant social studies knowledge and skills, including research skills, and other relevant information.

Grade 5 Targets

I can identify needs related to the classroom, school, community or civic organization.

I can brainstorm and research possible solutions.

I can make an informed decision that would best fit the classroom, school, community, or civic organization.

I can present a solution to a real or simulated decision related to the classroom, school, community, or civic organization.

Social Studies Grade 5

Standard - Civic Engagement

Performance Indicator

Provide examples of how people influence government and work for the common good.

Grade 5 Targets

I can define the common good.

I can explain how people influence the government.

I can explain how people work for the common good.

Social Studies Grade 5

Standard - Civic Engagement

Performance Indicator

Contribute equitably to collaborative discussions, examine alternative ideas, and work cooperatively to share ideas; individually and collaboratively develop a decision or plan.

Grade 5 Targets

I can contribute equitably to collaborative discussions.

I can explore ideas other than my own.

I can work with others to share ideas.

I can develop a decision or plan with others.

Social Studies Grade 5

Standard - Civics and Government

Performance Indicator

Explain and compare how groups of people make rules to define responsibilities that protect the freedoms of individuals and groups and support the common good

Grade 5 Targets

I can define the common good.

I can describe how rules define responsibilities that protect the freedoms of individuals and groups.

I can explain how groups of people make rules to define responsibilities that protect the freedoms of individuals and groups and support the common good.

I can compare how groups of people make rules to define responsibilities that protect the freedoms of individuals and groups and support the common good.

Social Studies Grade 5

Standard - Civics and Government

Performance Indicator

Explain the structures and processes of government, electing leaders and making laws as described in the United States Constitution and bill of Rights.

Grade 5 Targets

I can explain the three branches of government.

I can explain the process of electing leaders.

I can explain the process of making laws.

I can understand the purpose of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Social Studies Grade 5

Standard - Civics and Government

Performance Indicator

Identify the rights, duties, and responsibilities of citizens within the class, school, or community

Grade 5 Targets

I can identify the rights, duties, and responsibilities of citizens within the class, school, or community.

Social Studies Grade 5

Standard - Civics and Government

Performance Indicator

Describe civic beliefs and activities in the daily life of diverse cultures, including Maine Native Americans and various other cultures in the United States and the world.

Grade 5 Targets

I can define civic beliefs.

I can describe activities in the daily life of ancient cultures.

Social Studies Grade 5

Standard - Economics

Performance Indicator

Explain that economics includes the study of scarcity, which leads to economic choices about what goods and services will be produced, how they will be distributed and for whom they will be produced.

Grade 5 Targets

I can define economics.

I can define scarcity.

I can explain economic choices about what goods and services will be produced, how they will be distributed and for whom they will be produced.

Social Studies Grade 5

Standard - Economics

Performance Indicator

Describe situations in which personal choices are related to the use of financial resources (e.g. needs vs. wants, spending, savings and investment) and financial institutions (e.g. banks, interest rates)

Grade 5 Targets

I can describe the services a financial institution can provide.

I can make decisions about spending, saving, and investing.

Social Studies Grade 5

Standard - Economics

Performance Indicator

Describe economic similarities and differences within the community, Maine, the United States, and various cultures in the world, including economic influences related to Maine Native Americans.

Grade 5 Target

I can describe economic similarities and differences within the United States and various cultures in the world.

Ancient Civilization bartering and trade; introduction to how money was introduced

Social Studies Grade 5

Standard - Geography

Performance Indicator

Identify and create visual representations of the Earth’s major geographic features such as continents, oceans, major mountains, and rivers using a variety of geographic tools and representations.

Grade 5 Targets

I can define longitude and latitude.

I can define and locate the Prime Meridian and Equator.

I can identify regions in the United States.

I can locate and label states and their capitals.

Social Studies Grade 5

Standard - Geography

Performance Indicator

Describe and compare the physical and human characteristics between urban and rural locations in the United States

Grade 5 Targets

I can define "urban".

I can define "rural".

I can compare and contrast urban and rural places in the United States.

Social Studies Grade 5

Standard - Geography

Performance Indicator

Identify and describe the positive and negative ways humans modify the physical environment and how humans have used technology to do so

Grade 5 Target

I can identify and describe the positive and negative ways humans modify the physical environment and how humans have used technology to do so.

Social Studies Grade 5

Standard - Geography

Performance Indicator

Describe the impacts of geographic features on the daily life of various cultures, including Maine Native Americans and other cultures in the United States and the world.

Grade 5 Target

I can describe the impacts of geographic features on the daily life of various cultures in relation to ancient civilizations. .

States and Capitals, Review basic geography, add latitude and longitude, equator (hemispheres) and prime meridian, regions in the United States (compare and contrast)

Social Studies Grade 5

Standard - History

Performance Indicator

Identify various historical eras, major enduring themes, turning points, events, consequences, persons, and timeframes in the history of the community, Maine, the United States, and the world.

Grade 5 Targets

I can identify various historical eras over ancient civilizations.

I can identify major enduring themes in ancient civilizations.

I can recognize major turning points in ancient civilizations.

I can identify major events in ancient civilizations.

I can identify major consequences from ancient civilizations.

I can identify major persons from ancient civilizations.

I can identify major timeframes in ancient civilizations.

Social Studies Grade 5

Standard - History

Performance Indicator

Explain that history includes the study of past human experiences based on available evidence from a variety of sources.

Grade 5 Target

I can use various sources to learn the history of ancient civilizations.

Social Studies Grade 5

Standard - History

Performance Indicator

Trace and explain how the history of democratic principles is preserved in historical symbols, monuments, and traditions important in the community, Maine, and the United States.

Grade 5 Target

I can identify how historical symbols, monuments, and traditions represent ancient civilizations.

Social Studies Grade 5

Standard - History

Performance Indicator

Explain why individuals and groups during the same historical period differed in their perspectives, comparing various cultural traditions and the contributions of Maine Native Americans and various people groups in the community.

Grade 5 Targets

I can explain why individuals and groups in ancient civilization differed in their perspectives.

I can compare and contrast two cultures from the same historical period.

I can compare and contrast two perspectives from the same historical period.