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Ms. Cindy Moore » Math Targets

Math Targets

In order for a learner to be proficient at the Performance Indicator level they will need to be able to do the following Learning Targets.

Grade 5

Numbers and Operations in Base 10


P.I. Understand the place value system. ( CCSS 4.NBT.A)

Learning Targets are the small building block skills used to instruct students and are written in student language.

I can recognize that in a multi-digit number, a digit in one place represents 1/10 of the place to its left.

I can use whole number exponents to denote powers of ten and explain patterns in the number of zeros in the product.

I can read, write, and compare decimals to the thousandths using >,<, and =, reading the number sentence from left to right.

I can round decimals to any place.

I can read and write decimals to thousandths using expanded form.

In order for a learner to be proficient at the Performance Indicator level they will need to be able to do the following Learning Targets.

Grade 5

Numbers and Operations in Base 10


P.I. Perform all four operations with multi-digit whole numbers and with decimals to hundredths

Learning Targets are the small building block skills used to instruct students and are written in student language.

I can add with multi-digit whole numbers and with decimals to hundredths.

I can subtract with multi-digit whole numbers and with decimals to hundredths.

I can multiply with multi-digit whole numbers and with decimals to hundredths.

I can divide with multi-digit whole numbers and with decimals to hundredths.

In order for a learner to be proficient at the Performance Indicator level they will need to be able to do the following Learning Targets.

Grade 5

Numbers and Operations in Base 10


P.I. Create and use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions. (CCSS 5.NF.A)

Learning Targets are the small building block skills used to instruct students and are written in student language.

I can create equivalent fractions.

I can convert from mixed numbers to improper and improper to mixed.

I can add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators.

I can add and subtract mixed numbers.

I can solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions.

In order for a learner to be proficient at the Performance Indicator level they will need to be able to do the following Learning Targets.

Grade 5

Numbers and Operations in Base 10


P.I. Apply and extend understandings of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions. ( CCSS 5.NF.B)

Learning Targets are the small building block skills used to instruct students and are written in student language.

In order for a learner to be proficient at the Performance Indicator level they will need to be able to do the following Learning Targets.

Grade 5

Operations and Algebraic Thinking


P.I. Generate and analyze patterns and relationships. (CCSS 4.OA.C; 5.OA.B)

Learning Targets are the small building block skills used to instruct students and are written in student language.

I can generate and analyze two numerical patterns following two rules.

I can form ordered pairs from two patterns and graph the ordered pairs on a coordinate plane.

In order for a learner to be proficient at the Performance Indicator level they will need to be able to do the following Learning Targets.

Grade 5

Operations and Algebraic Thinking


P.I. Write and interpret numerical expressions. (CCSS 5. OA.A)

Learning Targets are the small building block skills used to instruct students and are written in student language.

I can use parentheses, brackets or braces in numerical expressions.

I can evaluate parenthesis, brackets or braces in numerical expressions.

I can write simple expressions.

I can interpret numerical expressions without parentheses, brackets or braces in numerical expressions.

I can interpret numerical expressions without evaluating them.

In order for a learner to be proficient at the Performance Indicator level they will need to be able to do the following Learning Targets.

Grade 5



P.I. Graph points on the coordinate plane to solve real-world and mathematical problems. (CCSS 5.G.A)

Learning Targets are the small building block skills used to instruct students and are written in student language.

I can create a coordinate grid using a pair of perpendicular number lines as X and Y axes.

I can label the intersection of the X and Y axes as zero (origin).

I can identify that the first number in coordinate pair travels along the X axis and the second number travels along the Y axis.

I can represent real life and mathematical problems by graphing points in the first quadrant.

I can interpret coordinate values of points in the context of the situation.

In order for a learner to be proficient at the Performance Indicator level they will need to be able to do the following Learning Targets.

Grade 5



P.I. Classify two - dimensional figures into categories based on their properties. ( CCSS 5.G.B)

Learning Targets are the small building block skills used to instruct students and are written in student language.

I can recognize that attributes of a larger category of two-dimensional figure also belong to all subcategories of that category.

I can classify two - dimensional figures into a hierarchy based on properties.

In order for a learner to be proficient at the Performance Indicator level they will need to be able to do the following Learning Targets.

Grade 5

Measurement and Data


P.I. Represent and interpret data. (CCSS 3.MD.B, 4.MD.B, 5. MD.B)

Learning Targets are the small building block skills used to instruct students and are written in student language.

I can make a line plot to display a data set of measurements in fractions of a unit (1/2, 1/4, 1/8)

I can interpret data from a line plot.

In order for a learner to be proficient at the Performance Indicator level they will need to be able to do the following Learning Targets.

Grade 5

Measurement and Data


P.I. Geometric Measurement: Understand concepts of area and volume and relate to multiplication and to addition. (CCSS 5. MD.C.3.4)

Learning Targets are the small building block skills used to instruct students and are written in student language.

I can use unit cube as a form of volume measurement.

I can apply the formulas V = l x w x h and V = B x h in real world and mathematical problems.

I can determine volume by packing solid figures with n unit cubes, without gaps or overlaps.

I can use cube units of measurement including cm, inches, feet, and improvised units.

I can illustrate that multiplying the edge lengths by the area of the base of a rectangular prism results in the same volume as packing it with cube units.  (V = B x h)

I can solve real world and mathematical problems involving volume of rectangular prisms.

I can deconstruct a solid figure into non-overlapping rectangular prisms and add volumes together to find total volume.

In order for a learner to be proficient at the Performance Indicator level they will need to be able to do the following Learning Targets.

Grade 5

Measurement and Data


P.I. Solve problems involving measurement and conversion of measurements within a given measurement system. (CCSS 4.MD.A, 5. MD.A)

Learning Targets are the small building block skills used to instruct students and are written in student language.

I can convert within a given measurement system.

I can solve multi-step real world problems using conversions within a given measurement system.