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Ms. Cindy Moore » Reading Targets

Reading Targets

In order for a learner to be proficient at the Performance Indicator level they will need to be able to do the following Learning Targets.

Grade 5

Reading Comprehension


P.I. Determine the theme of a story, drama or poem from details in the text. Summarize the text. (RL.2)

Learning Targets are the small building block skills used to instruct students and are written in student language.

I can use details from a text to determine the theme of that piece of literature.

I can use what I know about the characters in a piece of text to help determine the theme.

I can identify the problem in a story and determine how the character's respond to that problem.

I can read and support the idea that a text can have multiple themes.

I can understand how the speaker recites a poem and suggest the meaning.

I can summarize a text by retelling the events of the story.


In order for a learner to be proficient at the Performance Indicator level they will need to be able to do the following Learning Targets.

Grade 5

Reading Comprehension


P.I. Use grade level texts to determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text. (RL.2)

Learning Targets are the small building block skills used to instruct students and are written in student language.

I can use key details from the text to explain two or more main ideas of that text.

I can summarize a text by retelling the events of the text.

I can map out how key events in a story contribute to the plot of a story.


In order for a learner to be proficient at the Performance Indicator level they will need to be able to do the following Learning Targets.

Grade 5

Reading Comprehension


P.I. Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a literary and informational text based on specific information in a text. ( RL+RI.3 )

Learning Targets are the small building block skills used to instruct students and are written in student language.

I can use details and examples from a story or drama to identify how characters are alike and how they are different.

I can use details and examples from a story or drama to identify how settings may be alike and how they may be different.

I can identify individuals, events, and ideas and/or concepts in different types of texts.

I can use specific information in a text to explain how the ideas and/or concepts, events, and people in a text are connected and relate to one another.

I can explain the different kinds of information that can be found in different kinds of text. (e.g. procedures have step-by-step processes, text structure, historical text will have names, dates and events, etc.)


In order for a learner to be proficient at the Performance Indicator level they will need to be able to do the following Learning Targets.

Grade 5

Reading Comprehension


P.I. Determine the meaning of grade level academic and domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative language. (RL+RI.4; L. 4,5,6.)

Learning Targets are the small building block skills used to instruct students and are written in student language.

I can determine the meaning of unknown words and phrases using context clues.

I can identify similes in a text and understand what two objects are being compared.

I can identify metaphors in a text and understand what two objects are being compared.

I can identify and use figurative language (similes, metaphors, personification, hyperbole, onomatopoeia)

I can use common affixes (un, dis, able, less) added to a word I know to understand the new word.

I can find meaning of a word using reference materials and tools. (dictionaries, glossaries, Quickwords etc.)


In order for a learner to be proficient at the Performance Indicator level they will need to be able to do the following Learning Targets.

Grade 5

Reading Comprehension


P.I. By the end of the year read and comprehend informational and literary texts at the high end of the grade 3-5 text complexity, independently and proficiently. (RL = RI.10)

Learning Targets are the small building block skills used to instruct students and are written in student language.

I can recognize when the text I am reading is too easy or difficult for me.

I can determine reading strategies that will help me understand difficult text.

I can read and understand texts that requires an understanding of other cultures.

I can read and explain that texts have significant social and personal connections.

I can read and understand texts with complex plots.

I can read and understand texts with complex and varied sentence structures.


In order for a learner to be proficient at the Performance Indicator level they will need to be able to do the following Learning Targets.

Grade 5

Reading Foundations


P.I. Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. (RF.3)

Learning Targets are the small building block skills used to instruct students and are written in student language.

I can use my knowledge of consonant blends, long vowel patterns and short vowel patterns to decode words.

I can analyze the structure of the words by finding compound words, roots, prefixes, and syllables.

I can use my analysis of word structure to help me decode unfamiliar multisyllabic words.


In order for a learner to be proficient at the Performance Indicator level they will need to be able to do the following Learning Targets.

Grade 5

Reading Foundations


P.I. Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. (RF.4)

Learning Targets are the small building block skills used to instruct students and are written in student language.

I can read grade-level text both accurately and fluently and understand what I have read.

I can accurately read poetry aloud with expression and at an appropriate rate.

I can recognize when a word I have read does not make sense within the text.

I can self-correct misread or misunderstood words using context clues and reread as necessary.

In order for a learner to be proficient at the Performance Indicator level they will need to be able to do the following Learning Targets.

Grade 5

Reading Interpretation


P.I. Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. (RL + RI.1)

Learning Targets are the small building block skills used to instruct students and are written in student language.

I can use the exact words in a text to support my explanation of that text.

I can define inference and explain how a reader uses direct quotes from a text to reach a logical conclusion.

I can read closely to find answers that require inferences and are explicitly stated.

I can analyze the author's words and find quotes needed for both explicit and inferential questions.

I can use the details and examples from a piece of literature to support the predictions and/or deeper meanings of the text that I make.

In order for a learner to be proficient at the Performance Indicator level they will need to be able to do the following Learning Targets.

Grade 5

Reading Interpretation


P.I. Compare and contrast the overall structure (e.g. chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in two or more literary and informational texts. (RL+RI.5)

Learning Targets are the small building block skills used to instruct students and are written in student language.

I can explain and use the overall structure of a text.c(chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution, sequence, description)

I can describe how parts of a text build the plot and connect to make a story, poem, or drama meaningful.

I can identify and use text features and use key words, sidebars, index, headings, subheadings, graphic sources, and hyperlinks to find important information on a topic.

I can compare and contrast the text structures and text feature of two or more texts.

In order for a learner to be proficient at the Performance Indicator level they will need to be able to do the following Learning Targets.

Grade 5

Reading Interpretation


P.I. Analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic, noting important similarities and differences in the point of view they represent. (RL+RI.6)

Learning Targets are the small building block skills used to instruct students and are written in student language.

I can identify the point of view in the story and tell if it is first, second and third person.

I can compare and contrast the point of view from different stories, events, and topics.

I can explain how the point of view of a story or author influences the meaning and impact of the story or event.

In order for a learner to be proficient at the Performance Indicator level they will need to be able to do the following Learning Targets.

Grade 5

Reading Interpretation


P.I. Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the meaning, tone, or beauty of a text.  (graphic novel, multimedia presentation of fiction, folktale, myth, and poem) (5.RL.7)

Learning Targets are the small building block skills used to instruct students and are written in student language.

I can determine what the visual in a text shows that the text does not explicitly state.

In order for a learner to be proficient at the Performance Indicator level they will need to be able to do the following Learning Targets.

Grade 5

Reading Interpretation


P.I. Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources demonstrating the ability to locate and answer to a questions quickly or to solve a problem efficiently. (RI. 7)

Learning Targets are the small building block skills used to instruct students and are written in student language.

I can obtain information from different sources, including digital.

I can answer questions accurately using different kinds of resources.

I can explain how the visual and multimedia elements contribute to the meaning of the text.


In order for a learner to be proficient at the Performance Indicator level they will need to be able to do the following Learning Targets.

Grade 5

Reading Interpretation


P.I. Explain how the author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text identifying which reasons and evidence support which point(s).  (RI.8)

Learning Targets are the small building block skills used to instruct students and are written in student language.

I can identify and explain and support with specific evidence how an author uses reasons and evidence to support his/her opinion(claim)  in a text.


In order for a learner to be proficient at the Performance Indicator level they will need to be able to do the following Learning Targets.

Grade 5

Reading Interpretation


P.I. Integrate and compare information from several text on the same topic, or in the same genre, in order to write or speak about a subject knowledgeably. (RL +RI.9)

Learning Targets are the small building block skills used to instruct students and are written in student language.

I can research a topic using multiple sources.

I can create a written or oral presentation using the information gathered from multiple sources.