Art Grade 4 and 5 - Nov. 9-24, 2020

Weekly ART Plan


Weekly ART Plan-Manchester- Grade 4

Week of: Nov. 9-24

Course:  Manchester Art - Grade 4

Office Hours: Friday (Please email to schedule a time) [email protected]

Essential Questions: How do artists use Value and Form in artwork? What examples of Value and Form do you see in the world around you? How is a 3-D drawing different from a Sculpture ? 


Creation,Performance, Expression

MLR B2 -Students use Elements of Art and Principles of Design to create original artworks. 

Aesthetics and Criticism

MLR D1a- Students describe and compare art forms by applying grade span appropriate arts, concepts, terminology, skills and processes. 


MLR E2 - Explain skills and concepts that are similar across disciplines.

Student Assignments:

Practice Value Scales- Light to dark drawing with lead and colored pencil.

Practice Drawing Forms using Value: Cube, Cylinder, Sphere, Cone

Using Form and Value, draw an original work of art that looks like a sculpture. 

Weekly ART Plan -Manchester - Grade 5

Week of: Nov. 9-24, 2020

Course:  Manchester Art - Grade 5

Office Hours: Friday (Please email to schedule a time) [email protected]

Essential Questions: How do artists use Space and Contrast to create works of Art?

How do artists use creative problem solving techniques in their work? How do different cultures use paper cutting in their Art to express their culture? 


Creation,Performance, Expression

MLR B2 -Students use Elements of Art and Principles of Design to create original artworks. 

Creative Problem Solving

MLR C1- Students describe problem solving steps. 

Aesthetics and Criticism

MLR D1c - Explain purposes for making art in different times and places, including cultural traditions, personal expression, and communication of beliefs.

Student Assignments: 

Create a practice NOTAN (Japanese cut paper design ) following the teacher 


Using the skills learned, create a detailed NOTAN using an idea or theme..